nVIDIA ForceWare 100.87 Win2000|XP (32-bit)

Leadtek released (originally) a new GeForce 8800 driver for Windows XP. First off, we included a modified .inf in this archive to make the drivers with any current NVIDIA GeForce graphics card. NVIDA uses a unified driver architecture so there should work out pretty well on any GeForce 6,7 or 8 graphics card.

Secondly .. this is a release v100 driver, making it newest build to date. Please regard to these drivers as if they are beta. We have virus checked and recompressed the driver, as always.

If you try them out, please share your experiences in this dedicated forum thread. Knowledge is power so please communicate.

Attention read this : the setup.exe is broken, you need to install these drivers the old-school way; thus:

> Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device Manager > Display Adapters > your graphics card > Driver > and hit Update

Then point to to directory where you extracted the files !

Printed from: https://www.guru3d.com/download/{%seo%}/